
Showing posts from June, 2021

Most Generic Erroneousness in Enterprise Software Development

Enterprise software development is a completely different creature than many other custom software development projects. While software applications are typically developed for a specific type of user or audience, enterprise software is built by people of different disciplines to be used throughout the organization. This is the biggest challenge when developing enterprise software. When you add multiple stakeholders, each with a slightly different approach to the project, things can derail very quickly. Many project owners start with a holistic idea of ​​what they want the application to do, but ignore some of the necessary planning and advance design work before going into development. In some cases, this is simply due to being unfamiliar with the software process, and in other cases, it is intentional because many people feel that the budget is better spent on actual development. This is one of the most common and influential mistakes when creating custom software. Unfortunately, th...

Blockchain Advantages Transforming to the Enterprise Database

Many businesses want to reap the benefits of blockchain in enterprise databases in relation to the visibility and origin of data. Actually, they do not necessarily understand or may need the complexity that comes with its decentralisation facility. Our research focuses on simplifying usability and reducing management overhead for use cases where a reliable cloud provider operates the solution. Although some businesses do not require full decentralization, sometimes they require non-repudiation and core functionality. Despite customers' trust in cloud providers, they are still mutually mistrusted. We are building a centralized solution that provides blockchain properties while protecting the right behavior between customers. In large and open blockchains such as Ethereum and Bitcoin, decentralization is considered a major concern. But in the enterprise world, decentralized trust is not required in many use cases. We found that businesses are starting to use blockchain as a kind of...