Most Common Product Strategy Mistakes

Most of the mobile app development project fails to gain market attention due to many reasons . The reason may include bad UI/UX , inability to deliver value along with various other reasons . Among this , one of the most common reason for product failure is flawed mobile app planning phase .

When it comes to quality product development customer satisfaction is first priority . Proper planning aids in clarifying the needs as well as at the same time guiding development team on what to build in mobile apps to make it successful . Always try to prepare software requirement sheet ( SRS ) in details in order to avoid any conflict or mistakes during development phase .

Let's quickly now look at some of the common product strategy mistakes that we usually do : 

Taking Long To Get Started 

Many of the mobile app development projects takes long time just to start of with . We know it is very much difficult to manage delivering value as per current scenario of business as well as building future oriented roadmap . In addition to it , technology is also continuously changing making it difficult for stakeholders to invest in development projects keeping future prospective in mind .    

Hence to conclude , the longer you keep on just thinking of starting of your project , the more difficult it will be to define doable framework for development purposes . But what does that mean ? It obviously does not mean you just have to jump into app development even before property defining your SRS . Clarity in SRS will define product success rates and more .

Confusing Customers & Product Requirements 

At early stage of product planning phase , there might be a situation that product vision is unclear . Initial phase is not justifiable to define what all features and functionality can continue towards success of mobile app and add values to it . In the same way tech not feasibility on future vision of technical aspects is also not possible . A team with expertise in product  development company can suggest the best possible things dunning product discovery phase and can provide with problem solving solutions .

In product definition stage , usually engineers translate customer request into detailed product specifications by deeply reviewing their request with single aim of solving their real problems .

SRS property defines the modules inn product development which is easily understandable to both developer as well as client . But at the same time proper communication channel should be made to discuss every aspect of it in details to avoid any further confusion .

Crafting Of Requirements In Vacuum 

A high end product development is complex process . The product development involves planning , incorporating multiple systems and functionality. This sometime create a chaos for product development team due to lack of resources. A good product development team should comprise of product owners , product managers , developers , QA team , UI/UX designer and so . The overall product opinion will matter to order to effectively carry on product development phase .

Value Addition In Innovation 

Implementing innovative solution in mobile app will explore your app development cost . At initial stages you may have limit for implementation of functionality in order to developer MVP and hence having a thought for implementing or implementing new technologies will create panic . Thanks to SRS which facilitates avoiding of mistakes which developing in order to define the necessity of feature alterations .

Ignoring Competitive Threats 

Making your existence in market while stepping in for the first time is obviously no play job . Avoiding your competitors in market might turn into your biggest mistake . That is the reason you have to keep an close eye on your competition as well as implement strategies and trends that are latest and most demanded in marketplace to keep you ahead of your competitor .

There might be a situation that your competitors releases products which is very similar to your features . At this stage you should again have to brainstorm on the features and find alternative viable solutions which fits within your budget and scope of work .

The best way to overcome with this issue is to have a close eye on your competitors apps and prepare your SRS accordingly . 

Fail To Prioritise On Must Have Feature 

Every one is try to implement every feature in their mind in their first version of app. However that is not the correct way of launching your MVP mobile app . Most of the people fails to priories between must have vs nice to have features . In order to overcome with this issue , you must clearly communicate your app development team to determine which features are must-have and which features can me implemented later on with nice to have .


SRS will obviously not make your app success , but yes it positively offers mobile app a better chance . Itt is always Ito remember that your mobile app will be able to succeed inn marketplace only when you will be able to address your specific user need .


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