Ways to enhance your Salesforce resource calendar


2020 has been a year of revelations for India and prime among them is the gap in technology, which is impeding remote working. You simply cannot go to a coworkers desk now to ask if they are ready for a meet new week. The Covid-induced new normal has offered shared digital calendars a new lifeline as you are dealing with an innovative calendar that is very critical for the success of many of your business aspects.

For organizations worthless Resource Management has always been a bane. The

organizations have been culprits in not looking seriously into basic gaps in their Resource Management process such as inability to predict, skills handling and technology assistance. All these things are proving to be a big headache in the present WFH scenario. However there are measures through which you can be efficient with your Salesforce resource calendar.

CalendarAnything has been a boon

One of the ideal tools for remote resource management work is the capacity to see a Gantt Chart. A Gantt Chart permits subscribers to access information for a long duration but not every Gantt chart is of equal capacity. This is where CalendarAnything has an edge.
With the help of this, you are able to see data in a variety of timelines with a tailored mix of tools to assist you in resource scheduling needs.

See any projects with ease

With CalendarAnything it becomes easier for Resource Managers to view all active projects together. With the inclusion of an extra grouping the consultants on each project can also be displayed. Meanwhile, by employing filters, Resource Managers can extricate projects for a particular service line, geography, or any other data point from the project record.

Finding resources easily

As illustrated below, a list of consultants and the projects allotted to them for the next six months, are divided as per week. Quick filters are very helpful for the Resource Managers to find out certain geographic locations, roles, and even skillset so as to easily get the relevant consultant with ability and the expertise to perform a new role. Color-coding is useful to distinguish between quantifiable and non-quantifiable assignments. By extending each section, Resource Managers can arrive at the accurate number of hours per week allotted by the consultant.

Visualize hiring needs

A problem hiring managers usually experience is

a) learning the projects that are ending soon

b) selecting resources in time to perform project roles in the absence of suitable internal resources.

The Gantt chart given below displays every resource scheduling requests for projects concluding in the next six months, color-coded on the basis of projects that will end and clubbed together the particular resources that require hiring. It is crystal clear that demand is humongous for Business Analysts and Engagement Managers — an old story.

The benefit with CalendarAnything

These happen to be a few of the calendar views that can be deployed for Resource Management, however with CalendarAnything, the options before you are humongous. You are able to visualize any custom or standard arena in CalendarAnything if that data is placed inside Salesforce. So, CalendarAnything offers several advantages to you.


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