What do You Mean by UI Design in a Mobile Application?

UI is called User Interface. It is actually the channel with which users can communicate with any mobile apps. Mobile app user interface design is intended for easy, relaxed and productive communication between users and the app. UI in IT parlance happens to be a device permitting users to communicate with monitors, screens or mobile devices. The chief intention is to offer excellent interactions.

What do You Mean by UX Design in a Mobile Application?

The UX is User Experience. The idea behind UX is to develop a system that offers memorable experiences to the users. The purpose of UX Design is to convert customers into loyal ones by giving an experience to remember for them. UX is basically users' journey via the mobile app or website which eventually defines the success of the business.

Deliverables of UI/UX App Design?

UI/UX designer work takes place in many phases. In the UI and UX designing method several deliverables are made for the clients. These deliverables are crafted for purposes such as establishing communication with clients, documenting or presenting the ideas in an organized manner. Both UI and UX contain different deliverables.

A. UI deliverables

Mood boards

Mood boards are basically for showcasing unique ideas so that everyone gets the gist. It aids the clients in getting a grip on the app idea that the designer will be working up on.

Visual Designs

These assist in learning the effects of various components in a design. The effects pertaining to elements such as photography, typography, space, colours, layouts, images, etc. can be very well understood by visual designs.

Dynamic Prototyping

This enhances the operating capacity of apps and effect refurbishment as and when needed. Dynamic prototypes help in building UI according to the clients’ wish.

B. UX deliverables

Competitive analysis report

This report is made to gauge the competition your app faces. This is critical as once the app enters the market and if it is found weak to survive the competition then all your efforts go down the drain. With a competitive analysis report, the merits and demerits of the app becomes apparent.

User Personas

Designers should help the client understand their customers' expectation from the products. With a user persona it is easy not only to learn customer behavior but also in conveying the same to clients. The UX process includes user research to understand the behavioral pattern.

User journeys, experience maps and user flows

Experience maps display all in all users behavior towards a product. The expectations, time consumed, reactions, thoughts, needs, etc. can be mapped in the experience maps.

User journeys or user flows pertain to certain steps taken by the user to communicate at various stages of the product. These could be the existing interactions or potential interaction with a product.

Interactive prototypes

This is an important deliverable in UX design. Basic prototyping spares a lot of time and toil and performs adequately to execute the job. The prototypes aid in showcasing the way the real product will perform once it’s wholly developed. It even assists the designer to convey ideas more clearly.

Now you have got an idea about UI and UX stands and the role mobile app ui/ux design plays in the development aspect, let us move to other facets of mobile app development.

The Chief Elements to Understand While Designing Mobile Apps

Certain major components have to be factored in while designing mobile apps UI/UX.

A. Information Architecture:

The main purpose behind IA is to provide users with smooth navigation, notwithstanding the browser in use. It basically revolves around providing users a top-notch navigation experience.

B. Interaction Design:

This happens to be drafting a theoretical design with which users communicate with the app. It comprises elements such as colors, aesthetics, icons, fonts, images, etc.

C. Usage:

This aspect of mobile app design guidelines dabbles upon figuring out if users are able to access the information they require by utilizing the application and if the app provides them a convenient way to tackle issues.

D. Wireframe:

This aspect of user interface design for mobile applications is basically regarding the creation of an app's sample for the sake of testing features, usage and analyzing the look of the app prior to launching it in the market.

E. Visual Design

This is basically to establish the app’s brand in the users perception. It is not merely regarding the choice of best colours, icons, images, fonts, etc but also looks that can create an impression upon the users at several times of interaction.

Criticality of Mobile App UI/UX Design

To understand the importance of UI/UX in app development is very necessary. Majority of developers build an app having high performance but ignore the designing part which causes the failure of the app. The parity involving the functionality and UI UX design of an app is tough to maintain but it has to be achieved.

Make Users Spend Maximum Time

There is a popular saying ‘A good teacher is the one that grabs and holds the attention of the students and then teaches the lessons.’ This holds true regarding the UI/UX design for mobile apps. The design captures the attention of the users instantly and makes sure that they spend maximum time on the app as possible. But, the users have to be aware of the designs and navigation clearly to remain with the app for longer duration.

Make a great impression

Startup or any small business, the criticality of a UI/UX design is in the making of the first impression. Upon visiting your app, users should remain glued to it immediately so that they repeat the same process the next time they visit the app. A good app should possess superior usage time and this can be possible with the app’s UI UX design.

Get into app stores

Popularity or appeal of a mobile app is gauged by the number of users like it. The feedback and ratings by users can take your mobile app to the top lists. In order to get your app into Google Play Store or App Store, ensure that the users experience a good UI UX. By getting into the top list your app can gain a lot of traction in the marketplace.

Turn Customers Loyal

Incredible apps get a lot of users, it is not an exaggeration. Apps such as Instagram, Facebook, Candy Crush etc contain amazing UI/UX, which brings in zillions of users. The satisfaction can only be derived from good user experience and as a result turns users very loyal. Word of mouth will also be positive if UI/UX comes across beautifully.

Economical and Time Saving

If you work with being fully aware of the mobile app best UI/UX trends from beginning itself, you can be assured that there will be minimal scope for app maintenance and updates. And with these things at bay, the problems you might encounter post the app launch will also be very less.

Ideal Mobile app UI/UX initiatives

Employ Traditional Elements

By having regular elements in the app can save a lot of time for users. These facilitate swift and clear learning of the app devoid of any confusion. Elements such as keys, icons, colors and signs have to be devised the way it’s normally done in most of the apps. Sooner users understand how to utilize the app, better will be the prospects for liking the app.

Be Consistent

It is imperative for the design to be consistent on all the windows. This highlights the superiority of the work done in the UI UX designing of the app. Not just with icons or buttons even the colors and patterns should be uniform across all media.

Hire the Appropriate UI and UX designer

In case you are concentrating on the mobile app user interface design and experience then employ people with expertise and exposure. For the same you can even outsource app development to a reputed agency to ensure the UI UX designs are bang on target. The UI/UX designers should be aware of all the end-to-end user interaction and include those in the app.

Keep it Highly interactive

An interactive app is ideal any given day and it is the truth. By allowing users to interact with the app, you are establishing a connection between them. Interactive apps also provide freedom for users to surf through diverse gateways.

Consider Platform Specific Designs

Dissimilarity between the iOS app UI design and Android app UI design is huge. Similarly, looking at the manner both the platforms are devised at the device level, the iOS app UX design also stands out from the Android app UX design. You should know that both Material Design and Human Interface Design apart from the components that distinguish from one another.


All said and done, the only thing that can rescue the impression of UI/UX design from getting bad is by knowing your users thoroughly. Only this way you can come up with a product that satisfies the users. The sure shot manner to accomplish the same is via a properly planned product discovery workshop.


  1. It is important to have the best mobile UI design which helps to achieve the best user experience for any mobile application. Having the best Mobile UI/UX Design Services will lead you in the competitive market.


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