6 manners in which you can offer incredible user experience for mobile website users

In the present era, customers are more privileged in terms of options regarding buying online products. Several organisations are providing excellent services that can be availed with consummate ease. So, at present online businesses have to look for ways to provide more comforts to their customers to survive the intense competition.

In case you have a mobile website then the ideal way to increase customers is by providing them a seamless user experience. Customers will purchase things via your mobile only if they find the process convenient and without hiccups. A survey report said that 71% of successful businesses are of the view that users will turn customers only if they find your User Experience, UX, extremely appealing and intuitive.

As for mobile websites, they should be totally user-oriented. The critical aspect of any effective mobile website is its seamless UX. It is pertinent to be extremely familiar with your target audience’s behavior, patterns or psychological leanings, as a business owner or else it could be nearly impossible to satisfy the needs of customers.

Also, no user will come to a website that is cluttered and not fitting well with the mobile screen size of theirs. Therefore, your visitors need to like your mobile website more compared to desktop. So, offer an intuitive user interface for mobile users.

In this write up, we have explored some ways to enhance the user experience for mobile website users.

Crucial elements in mobile-friendly user experience

1. Drive customer engagement

It is essential to be aware of the behavior of users while building mobile websites. It’s very unique from the manner in which they function, navigate and browse from the desktop websites. According to Google research, users browsing through their mobile devices are normally goal-oriented. They don't appreciate any delay or a waiting period as they want to find everything easily and quickly. This implies tidy, organized and simple website design that enables users to find a product without any effort and obtain information in a jiffy. The elements need to be well laid out and should have a proper layout that facilitates viewing and reading without zooming in. So, it is important to consider these aspects before building a mobile website.

2. Impactful Call To Action key

If and when a user comes to your website, what would you like them to indulge in? As said previously that users are goal-oriented so you ought to provide them proper direction via call-to-action to convert them into customers. CTA keys can leave an indelible impact on your business. As per a case study when a website turned its CTA button attractive with color, it got 122% higher click rates. Therefore, if you are having a CTA button, you need to be precise with the placement of the same. You need to factor in color combination, its size, content and position. You can even emblazon “subscribe us”, “buy now”, or “get a quote” content in bold letters and turn them easy to read and click. So, a small call-to-action button makes a humongous impact.

3. Have less Forms

It is to be remembered that nobody enjoys lengthy information on forms. Also, it can be extremely annoying to fill up so many forms. So, it’s essential to understand the needs of the users. In case you are designing a form for mobile users, you should include only important fields. Further, ensure that the font is quite clear and bold and seen and read without any adjustments. The content field has to be of big size to attract attention and clickable enough to ensure that the method of filling out forms is convenient.

4. Unique images

Do not take internet users' intelligence for granted as they have become wiser after visiting several websites. In case you use images on your website that are used previously then it can seriously dent your image. The images you use on your website have to be unique. It is also advisable to feature the images to showcase and summarize your points.Further, it’s important to utilize a minimal number of images and compressed ones. This works very well on mobile devices and does not take a lot of load time.

5. Quick loading time of your website

Nobody likes the websites that take time to load. This can be really frustrating. According to a recent study, over 44% of the users would exit your website if it consumes more than 4 seconds to load. Also, looking at the SEO factor, Google is more accommodative to those websites that load faster. In case you have a WordPress website, there are several plugins such as W3 Total Cache, WP Super Cache and many more that quicken your websites.

6. Incorporate a search option

Search option can easily be called a vital component in a website. While building a website, a search option has to be given high preference as it is a component that facilitates navigation for users. In a mobile website, you cannot annoy a customer by making him crawl on a website. A search option is an ideal tool for users to quickly and swiftly access whatever they want on a website. So, ignore this at your own peril.


Actually, there are several ways to turn your mobile website extremely attractive along with providing an intuitive user experience. Prior to thinking about revenue potential and customer retention, it would be in your best interest to understand that users require easy navigation and exceptional user experience from mobile websites. Also, ensure that you only include relevant and apt components to your website and do away with unwanted elements, content, images and buttons.

In case you follow the tips specified above for your mobile site, then there is a high probability of getting popular among users and generating more leads. It is in your best interest to approach the ideal website design company as it will definitely take you towards success by perfectly executing the above strategies for your website.


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