6 methods to enhance user experience on your mobile website

These days, customers are spoilt for choices when it comes to buying products online, thanks to the eCommerce push in the last few years. There are organizations providing world-class services which users can easily access. So, right now online businesses are competing with each other way to vie for the attention of the customers. One ideal manner to get customers' attention is by providing them a memorable and convenient user experience through your mobile website. They are bound to revisit your website several times and buy from it.

As for mobile websites, users are of paramount significance. The critical factor of every successful mobile website is its comfortable user experience - UX. Devoid of a good understanding of your target audiences' behavioral patterns or psychological leanings, a business owner cannot develop a mobile app or website that would meet the expectations of the customers.

According to a report, 50% of mobile users will not buy a product and ditch the transaction midway if the process is riddled with hiccups. Also, 61% of users will stop coming to the website if they can't find a product they are looking for. So, a mere launch of a mobile-friendly website or app will not suffice. Nobody likes to come to a website that has been put together in a haste and is not compatible with the smaller screen size. Hence, ensure that your visitors get mesmerized by your mobile website. An intuitive user interface for mobile users has become extremely important in the current scenario.

What is the need of mobile-friendly user experience?

1. For making users visit again and again

When creating a mobile website, you have to get a grip on the behavior of users. It will not be similar to the way they navigate and browse via desktop. According to Google research, internet users accessing websites via mobile devices are very specific regarding what they want. They do not want to waste time in looking for things as they desire everything to be smooth and convenient. This implies organized, clean and convenient website design which facilitates comfortable access of information. The components need to be high on visibility and should come with a proper layout that enables hassle-free viewing and reading.

So, providing a good mobile experience is significant.

2. Make call to action button hard to resist

When a user comes to your website, what would you like them to do? As said previously they are specific regarding their goal. So, you need to give them proper direction via call-to-action to make them a customer. CTA buttons can leave an indelible impact on your business. As per a case study when a website decked its CTA button with color, it got 122% higher click rates. So, if a CTA button cannot be put anywhere you feel like. You need to factor in things like the color combination, size, content and position. You can even emblazon the same with “subscribe us”, “buy now”, or “get a quote” content in bold letters and turn them convenient to read and click. Therefore, a tiny call-to-action button can leave a huge impact.

3. Keep forms short

It is always advisable to avoid lengthy information on forms. This can be cumbersome and a big turn-off. So, it’s pertinent to feel for your users and learn their preferences. This way you are helping them to get the information they desire. So, have only important fields in the form for mobile users. Also, the font needs to be clear and bold so that they can be viewed and read without any efforts. Hence, make the form as short as possible so that filling of the same does not consume too much of a time.

4. Be smart with images

Internet users have become intelligent and they can make a conclusion through a simple glance. As your web page features several products or services images, users can make out whether the image is real or stock. This leaves a huge impact on them. If you have used an image that is already there on some website then you can lose your credibility with users. The image you use has to be unique and apt. Also, do not take users for granted. Further it is pertinent to use compressed images otherwise they would take a lot of time to load on mobile devices.

5. Increase the pace of your website

Nobody likes to wait for a website to load. This can be a very annoying experience. According to the latest study, over 44% of the users are bound to exit your website if it consumes more than 4 seconds to load. Also, considering the SEO factor, Google attached higher priority to websites which load swiftly. In case you own a WordPress website, then there are several plugins such as W3 Total Cache, WP Super Cache and many more to assist you in accelerating your websites.

6. Have a Search Option

The critical part for every website is a search option. While creating a website, always have a search option so as to enable users to navigate freely. In a mobile website, you should not risk losing a customer by denying them seamless navigation within the website. A search option comes in very handy to easily get what people are looking for in a highly populated website. In case, you own an eCommerce website, then the search button is very critical on your website’s homepage.

Wind Up

Actually, several methods exist to turn your mobile website highly attractive with intuitive user experience. However, it's pertinent to realize that the purpose of creating a mobile-friendly website is to provide smooth navigation and enchanting user experience. Only if you give priority to this aspect you can make money from your website. Also, include simply appropriate and proper elements to your website and cut out unnecessary components pictures and keys. In case you adhere to above-mentioned tips for your mobile site, then chances of gaining traction among users and generating excessive leads become higher. Hence, it is advisable to get the best website design company on board to guide you to the path of success.


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