Important attributes to consider to find the ideal web developer


A web developer is a critical selection to make as it will have a direct bearing on your company’s functions and revenues. In case, you’re looking to have a web developer for the first time in your company, you really can't put all your money on referrals or resume to take the final call. It goes without saying that knowledge or exposure is definitely a crucial skill to factor in, but it does not assure that you will find the right fit for the job. Hence, what all aspects makes an ideal web developer? Given below are certain major attributes that you should consider in order to identify a suitable candidate for your company or clients.

Burning desire for Coding & Development

A good web developer is really mad about coding and development. He or she has to abandon the usual humdrum and take up the challenges to deliver something that oozes uniqueness and perfection. The developer should have the ability to look at the big picture in order to extract the tiny details. His or her passion should reflect easily in the conversation you have with her. In case you are not getting that passionate vibe from a candidate then move on to the other ones.

Dynamic to the core

It is not that difficult to learn a language or tool, however keeping oneself abreast with the new techniques and trends involves a lot of heavy weightlifting. In case the person is thrilled to bits about newly unleashed technologies, then he or she can adapt and manage sudden changes happening to the project’s nature. It is anyone's guess that it is very easy to train a dynamic developer instead of a merely experienced and knowledgeable one.

Creative Problem Solver

Dissimilar to other professionals, an eligible web developer needs to be creative and should possess the capability to develop more than one solution for any twisted issue. Being an organic problem solver, the developer should ask lots of questions and respond to those with a solution-based method. Making code for a website or application entails a lot of problem-solving skills, and a good web developer has to be adept at finding appropriate solutions to complicated issues regarding development.

Very good team player

A professional web developer never works solo, irrespective of the situation he or she is in. The developer needs to be a team player and this in no way implies that the person has to be a natural-born leader. In fact, this implies that the individual should iron out differences in his or her own way. A web developer works not just with other professionals in the team but at times has to work closely with the marketing team or clients. So, ensure that the person being hired can handle a team.

Incredible time management skills

In a professional space deadline means a lot and it is something that cannot be breached. We all know the consequence of not honoring the deadline. If some work has to be completed then punctuality is essential, especially for web developers. They cannot go beyond the fixed deadlines and submit their work on or even before time. Especially in an agency, there are N-number of deadlines and projects and some are very tight as well. The web developer has to figure out the work to be accorded high priority and low priority to streamline the operations.

An excellent portfolio and side projects

Having a good portfolio is half the job done in most of the professions. A web developer also has to display the skills, abilities, and awareness through an excellent portfolio. A great online portfolio of projects has to be there. They can even showcase side projects as well, which provides a clear indication regarding their aspirations, interests and objectives. In case you are hiring a fresh web developer devoid of any experience, side projects can be very handy to ascertain the efficacy of the candidate.

Very good communication skills

It can be annoying to work with a person having poor communication skills. This can affect you as well as the project. Communication happens to be of paramount significance for every profession, and it is no different in web development as well. The web developer has to have excellent communication ability to lay out everything in an easy and understandable manner. The individual should refrain from using complex technical lexicon. If your developer is unable to interact properly with the clients, then it can mess up the entire project.


In case you follow the attributes given above, then finding the right web developer won't be a problem for you. But, it is advisable to include other developers, especially the ones who would be working in tandem with the new one, in the selection process for better outcome. In case, you get a reference from a trustworthy source of yours then also the task becomes much easier for you.


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