Advantages of Initial Coin Offerings as a Crowdfunding Option

Bitcoin revolutionised the financial world only a few years ago. As the popularity of Bitcoin expanded, so did the popularity of blockchain and alternative currencies. With this expansion came the idea that cryptocurrencies could be used for fundraising.

This article covers the following topics:

  • What Exactly Is An Initial Coin Offering (ICO)?

  • The Advantages of Initial Coin Offerings

  • Successful ICO Characteristics

  • The Most Successful Initial Coin Offerings

  • Conclusion

This was a goldmine in a market where initial funding has considerable entry barriers. Join the ICO (initial coin offering). Companies can use this method to raise funds by creating cryptocurrency coins.

But what is an initial coin offering (ICO) and could it help your small company? The advantages of digital currencies will be discussed in this article.

What Exactly Is An Initial Coin Offering (ICO)?

In the cryptocurrency world, an ICO is quite similar to an initial public offering (IPO) for a share. The firm can raise funds through ICOs, token sales, and crowd sales activities. They accomplish this by issuing cryptocurrency in the creation of a new crypto token to relevant parties.

Let's imagine you own a company in Silicon Valley with a brilliant new cryptocurrency notion. Perhaps you want to improve the efficiency and security of hotel payment operations. We'll call this notion LodgingCoin in our illustration below.

Although, there is a problem: you'll require investors to create a viable currency choice and platform. If you don't have to, you can ask for a bank loan or approach venture investors.

However, what when you can raise money without giving up control? This is where the ICO shines, which is why, as a company owner, you must learn how to build an ICO:

  • Your group members create a white paper, which is a document that explains how your concept would operate.

  • Beginning with a dependable website and social presence, as well as a simplified validation, strategic marketing activities can commence.

  • You make a financing demand, which is usually made in Bitcoin or Ether, but you can also collect normal money.

  • You offer buyers some LodgingCoin in exchange for funding.

The goal is for your marketing plan to get a lot of attention, buy-in, and use. The value of the currency rises as a result of the high circulation. As a result, people's initial deposits grow, just like a stock does after an IPO.

This highlights a key gap between ICOs and initial public offerings (IPOs). The introduction of an ICO, besides an initial public offering, does not result in ownership holdings in the business.

Investing in a project like LodgingCoin is, in essence, a gamble. The danger is that the worthless currency purchased now will appreciate in value in the future. As a result, you'll be able to make a return on your investment.

The Advantages of Initial Coin Offerings

Initial coin offerings (ICOs) offer a slew of advantages to entrepreneurs wishing to launch or expand their businesses. There are major entrance hurdles to IPOs and other funding choices. Therefore, once you understand how to start a currency for a project, it's quite simple.

The following are just a few of the many benefits of initial coin offerings.

1. Tokens are available for purchase by anyone.

Token sales are not the same as equity sales in a huge initial public offering (IPO). The Securities Exchange Act of 1934 imposes stringent requirements on initial public offerings. The selling of crypto keys can be compared to a coin release.

Registered investors with a net worth of over $1 million are normally allowed to participate in an IPO. Coins sold at an initial coin offering (ICO) can, on the other hand, be sold to anyone because most transactions are anonymous.

This is significant because just roughly 3% of the mature population in the United States has a net worth of $1 million. This implies that only 3% of people are eligible to invest in an IPO.

Therefore, an ICO is accessible to 100% of the mature population in the United States. This is a 33-fold increase in the amount of money available.

2. Tokens Can Be Sold All Over The World

An initial coin offering (ICO) allows international investors to invest in the new currency. In many situations, digital currency transfer into project token offerings is a worldwide endeavour. If an IPO account got hundreds of wire transfers in a matter of minutes, the funds will most certainly be frozen in the bank account. Coin sales paid for with digitised cryptocurrency, on the other hand, are always open for business.

Furthermore, the United States accounts for only 5% of the world's population. A 20-fold increase in the available financial base is the result of international worldwide accessibility.

3. Liquidity Premium in the Token Economy

When a token is sold in an ICO, it acquires value. This value exists in an open market that operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

This is very different from the equity in an IPO. This could take a decade for IPO investments to become exit-capable in some situations. Coins, on the other hand, could be spent in minutes.

It makes no difference if you are using or selling the coins you bought in an IPO. The difference between a decade and 10 minutes, on the other hand, is 500,000 times. Agreed, the prospective gains on an IPO over ten years will almost always be far higher.

This liquidity premium in the token economy allows "shareholders" to invest in new ICOs with the same amount of money. As a result, economic expansion and greater fund mobility are observed.

4. Lower Entry Barrier

Businesses flock to Silicon Valley for numerous technology-related IPOs. Wall Street is "the place to be" for comparing financial offerings. Therefore, because token releases could take place anywhere in the world, this requirement is no longer necessary.

Successful businesses can generate capital through initial coin offerings (ICOs) from anybody and anywhere they want. This removes the entry restrictions that previously limited achievement to different geographic areas. Indeed, Ethereum, one of the most popular ICOs of all time, has no physical existence.

5. A Business Model That Is Better Than "Free"

Huge technology companies like Facebook and Google offer extremely useful, free services. Regardless, they have been chastised for making billions while early adopters get nothing but free service.

The ICO release approach, on the other hand, provides a significantly more viable alternative. Technology businesses and open source organisations could use a coin offering to distribute their wealth. This procedure also aids in aligning customer bases that will benefit from the company's success.

For investors, the holy grail of potential is a corporate structure that outperforms "free." Making money while still in the early stages of adoption is a great reason to participate in an ICO.

6. Buy-In Immediately

Between cryptocurrency market participants, there are no blocks or intermediaries. A cryptocurrency can be sold on the crypto market right after it is produced and published.

This has the benefit of being a quick and efficient process for both businesses and people who invest in them. The procedure of purchasing stock in an initial public offering could only be defined as employment. Purchasing an ICO, on the other hand, is as simple as obtaining the appropriate purchasing currency and waiting for it to debut.

Successful ICO Characteristics

Initial coin offers (ICOs) have several extremely valuable qualities. The first and most important consideration is utility. Many ICO analysts think that an ICO should be more than just an asset that can be allowed to trade on exchanges. This tool distinguishes between successful ICOs (such as those listed below) and failing initiatives (of which there are many).

A consistent thread in community support has been discovered by several experts. ICOs that participate in conversations are more likely to succeed than those that remain silent.

Initial coin offers (ICOs) pose a considerable risk of fraud. There have been recorded instances of ICOs being used to take advantage of uninformed investors. As a result, companies that undergo independent audits communicate trustworthiness to potential investors.

The Most Successful Initial Coin Offerings

Such initial coin offerings have generated billions of dollars for their respective purposes. Whereas many profitable ICOs are in the IT sector, there are several prospects for enterprises of all types. Five of the most profitable token releases to date are listed here.

Ethereum Among the first initial coin offerings was Ethereum. They're more than a virtual currency, even their forefather Bitcoin. Ethereum is a blockchain technology that allows agreements to be used to create decentralized applications.

IOTA's initial coin offering (ICO) was based on the idea of integrating blockchain technology with the Internet of Things (IoT) technologies. Their decentralized transaction ledger provides a scalable, no-fee ecosystem.

Stratis is a programming language-compatible platform that allows businesses to check, establish, and implement applications. All of this may be accomplished without the requirement for the user to manage or establish their development platform. Their ICO raised nearly 1,000 BTC, which was worth $675,000 at the time and is now worth over $8 million.

EOS is a popular cryptocurrency that grew over $185 million in its initial coin offering (ICO) in just five days. This makes it the biggest initial coin offering (ICO) ever. EOS promises to be a suitable option to Ethereum's network in its white paper. They offer a variety of business solutions that run well on the blockchain.

NXT, which was previously known as Antshares, has passed through multiple token sales rounds. In its inaugural ICO, this service, which has ties to both Microsoft and the Chinese government, launched at 3 cents. Their currency value increased to $180 between October 2015 and January 2018. NXT is one of the most significant ROI coin offerings in existence, as explained in its white paper.


When it comes to raising capital for a firm, initial coin offerings (ICOs) are a novel and innovative technique. While initial coin offers have some disadvantages, they also have some benefits. They're an ideal crowdfunding vehicle since they have the potential for big returns from committed investors.

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