How much will be development cost for MVP in 2022

People claimed that starting a business is exhilarating in 2022 . Everything is about innovative ideas on the verge of being goods and making their way into the industry and the life of customers... That is, of course, an idealised view of the situation. Apart from becoming thrilling, the growth of a business comes with a slew of uncertainties and concerns. The problem of expense takes the top fear spot.

Certainly, you might have a brilliant concept and a much better solution for putting it into action. Most of this, though, could run afoul of severe budget restrictions. So, how much does it take to create an MVP?

As a Marketing Manager at Winklix, I've completed transactions with a variety of businesses, either large or small. In this piece, I'll attempt to address these issues by revealing:

  • What would it cost to build an MVP

  • What are the variables that affect the cost of MVP advancement

  • How is the MVP implementation price calculated

But before that, let's define MVP and why it's important to create one. Let's get this party started!

Define MVP And Why Should You Create One?

The MVP is the original product in the market, and it only has the most basic functionality. Typically, these basic functionalities round out the application's identity and demonstrate its inventiveness.

Consider it a watch that also serves as a running track, music player, and audio organizer. In essence, this is a timepiece. It's how businesses work: you accentuate the characteristics that make your product unique and create an effective product with the least amount of effort and time. Congratulations, you've earned the title of MVP!

Here are some examples of how MVP can assist you with research and development:

Responses are being gathered. Customers' opinion is the most valuable aspect of MVP tests. You may enhance and improve your product based on genuine user input rather than speculative guesses.

Conserve your stuff. Unfortunately, MVP tests sometimes reveal that customers are not prepared to use it or purchase the app. It occurs as well. However, the best part in this scenario is that you did not squander months of effort creating an application that turned out to be a disaster.

Market efficiency has been shortened. Because MVP development takes far less duration than traditional development, you'll probably be able to deploy it in 1-3 months, which is considerably quicker than your competition.

Obtaining capital. Aside from testing, an MVP can also be used to raise cash for your company. Through presentations or crowdfunding efforts, a feasible idea can be represented.

Also read : I have an app idea but don't know where to start of with ?

Variables Influencing the Cost of Your MVP

That we've worked out what MVP is and how it operates, we can get down to business. So, how much does MVP cost? That's a difficult issue to respond to without considering the key aspects that influence the cost of every case. So, let's take a look at it!

Work Involved

The project scope is the most important factor that influences the cost of MVP development. The scope of work includes two parts:

  • The MVP included the following characteristics:

  • The difficulty of putting such elements in place.

Whenever it comes to MVP development and what it can price, these two criteria are extremely important. Only the aspects that make it possible to operate and execute a concept should be included in the MVP. And, to be honest, this is the most difficult aspect. It could be difficult to emphasize the aspects that make up the product's base since everyone's perspective is varied.

Suggestion: Typically, business co-founders attempt to create an MVP in the easiest possible manner to test the concept and raise funds for further development. Not only will the number of MVP characteristics be restricted in most cases. Moreover, for such an application, neither the functionality nor the layout will be complex.

We normally guide our customers at Winklix on the best strategy to construct their MVP while staying inside their schedule and budget limitations without sacrificing quality.

  • We usually encourage the co-founder to describe their concept and the advantages of a possible product. In addition, we constantly pay attention to how the customer perceives the MVP and incorporate their feedback into the criteria.

  • The product manager examines the needs and establishes the development's timeline. Aside from that, the PM will endeavour to put together a list of functionality that is as realistic as possible.

As an illustration, if you require authorisation capabilities in your application, you may make it easier by structuring the authentication using third-party accounts (like Google or Apple).

The Period of Development

Another element that affects the overall price is the time needed to produce an MVP. The time restrictions for MVP development are generally shorter — 1-3 months. Restricted time development aids co-founders in building a successful product that will generate an effect on the sales before anybody else realizes the concept.

The Difficulty of UX/UI Design

UX/UI design has a significant impact on the cost of MVP development. However, sometimes a minimal design is all that is required to create a workable MVP.

Whenever the layout is critical to the application's functionality, therefore, a more complex layout with animations, 3D components, and other special features could be needed.

The variety of platforms available

Would you create applications for iOS or Android? Is it possible it will be cross-platform? Will there be an online version as well? The amount of effort and expense of MVP development is largely determined by the following questions.

Integrations with Third-Party Apps

You don't always have to start from scratch when developing a function. Integrating a fully prepared system and customizing some of its functionality is considerably simpler. Moreover, because integration takes time, the pricing of your MVP may be affected if it includes integrated capabilities.

Rates per hour

An additional issue that affects the overall price of MVP development is indeed the average wage. When evaluating it across various regions, the impact of this component is noticeable. In the United States and Europe, for illustration, the hourly earnings rate is roughly $150. Therefore, if you travel further east into Eastern Europe, the scenario may surprise you positively.

At The Same time, Ukraine's average hourly wage is $45 per hour. This is accompanied by a reputation for excellence and a decent command of the English language on the part of Ukrainian programmers. Even by way, the time change isn't all that significant.

The Size And Type Of Your Team

Project Managers typically measure the size of the software development depending on the project needs and client limitations. Several consumers mistakenly believe that the more people working on your assignment, the higher your monthly bill will be. However, a larger team reduces development delays. This could be a good choice for MVP development.

Similarly, the type of team you're on might have a significant impact on your compensation. The following are the most common team forms:

Committed team: each team member is scheduled for the duration of the project. It can be quite costly. However, assembling the correct workforce will increase the development pace, resulting in a superior product.

Time Material: Inside this approach, the project is charged according to the amount of time the workforce spends on it. It is always 1-6 months for a small-to-medium scale project. And, if the feedback system causes issues, that time is chargeable as well.

The cost is set in stone. The cost of the development is fixed from the beginning and will not vary until the project is completed. Doesn't that sound like a wonderful plan? However, neither you nor the technical team can anticipate all hazards that may obstruct the project. You may also lose some versatility as a result of the scope.

MVP Costs: Elements, Illustrations, and Team Types

MVP pricing is a subjective term that is made up of various elements. The following is a list of such elements:

  • Services (design, development, quality assurance, and so on);

  • Mobile platforms (Android/iOS/both, web);

  • USV of the product (unique sales value – in technology or service);

  • The number of iterations and the complexity of the design

  • Product scope and number of user roles;

  • Maturity of the stakeholder - how well does he understand the market and domain?

  • Custom development vs. third-party development (Custom CMS or Admin panel will be higher in cost).

Examples of Estimates

In the past, I've worked with a customer that wishes to produce an application. They possessed specialized knowledge and a database of eateries willing to collaborate with. The objective they hoped to establish, however, was to digitize and grow their business.

Our team came up with a list of features for the MVP version of the app after conducting market research and conducting user interviews. This was a food-delivery app that allowed you to:

  • Restaurants were able to upload menus and view basic stats.

  • Users can be managed by the customer as a super admin.

  • The client has the option of opening new eateries.

  • Food could be ordered by users.

  • Keep an eye on the status of your delivery;

  • Choose a method of payment.


The cost of MVP development is determined by a variety of parameters such as the project scope, the number of systems used, and the variety of integrations. There is an actual market price for every application category. Therefore, you need to consult specialists to get a precise estimate of MVP development costs.

At Winklix, we make every effort to fit the MVP feature list into your cost without sacrificing performance. So, if you want to check the value of your MVP, get in touch with me and we'll figure it out together.


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